Bullwhip & Feather Society

About Us

The Bullwhippers were (some still are) a bunch of boozers and totty-chasers who originally met whilst at college in Newcastle Upon Tyne in the 1980's. They formed an alliance named the Bullwhip & Feather Society whose original goal was to guarantee the future expansion of the global population by acting as a pulling vehicle for the original members.

The Bullwhippers used to drink very large amounts of beer, then attempt to attract members of the opposite sex by indulging in collective drinking games such as spoof, killer spoof or bunnies, or indeed simply get their appendages out and wave them at anyone in the vacinity.

Whippettes & Whipper-Snappers

Some Bullwhippers grew up and the others are married with kids. Their children ( whipper-snappers ) occupy most of the non-working time available to whippers, and their respective wives ( whippettes ) also help consume the other waking hours. At the end of the day, the modern day whipper can be seen in the pub, or more than likely, at the kitchen sink.

The Whippers

Where we first met in 1981

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